Call for dance-professionals

On Tuesday October 9th and Wednesday October 10th Dansteliers, Rotterdam organizes the European inspiration-atelier “Gaining new perspectives: exercises for body and mind”. The question that is central to the atelier is: How can we as a sector stay vital througout the years and how can we cope and react to the rapidly changing world around us?

During the atelier, artistic practices, dramaturgical methods and conversation forms are shared, which have been constructed in the context of Dansateliers. The main focus lies on the investigation of new perspectives and how these perspectives can lead to new insights for organizations and creative collaboration.

For the atelier Dansateliers invites a diverse palet of participants from the field of dance. Are you a choreographer, dramaturge, journalist, director, programmer of do you feel responsible for the future of the dance-field in any other way? Apply now. Dansateliers focusses on a mix of professionals from the dancesector – early career, funded structurally or project based.

With contributions by a.o. Evja Lilja (artist, professor and artistic director of Dansehallerne in Copenhagen, keynote), Peggy Olislaegers (artist, dance activist, dance dramaturge), Monica Gillette (artist, researcher, teacher), Ingrid Berger Myhre (choreographer) and Konstantina Georgelou (dramaturge, researcher), Merel Heering (moderator, dramaturge), Ernst Meisner (Het Nationale Ballet, The Junior Company), Alida Dors (BackBone) and more.

This atelier is part of Dansateliers’ 25th aniversary program (2018-2019) and is organized in collaboration with the European Dancehouse Network.

Practical information
Dates: 9, 10 October 2018
Time: 10.00-17.30
Location: Dansateliers, ’s-Gravendijkwal 58-b, Rotterdam
Participation: dayticket 25 euro incl. lunch / passepartout 45 euro incl. lunch

There is a limited amount of places availlable. Get your tickets here:
