One Night’s Dance | 2024

Kom kijken naar het werk van een nieuwe generatie dansmakers in vier korte voorstellingen!

Karlijn Hu Chuan Roest, Thea Atladóttir, Venla Keskinen (aka Miila Kaarina) en Zeddrich Starke zijn de uitdaging aangegaan om in zeven weken tijd een nieuw stuk te creëren. Vier zeer verschillende makers die een achtergrond hebben in hedendaagse dans, hiphop, breakdance, New Way Vogue en meer.

Ze worden intensief begeleid bij hun eigen onderzoek, het creatieve maakproces, en leren van elkaar tijdens gezamenlijke feedbacksessies op het gebied van choreografie, dramaturgie, muziek, creative producing en communicatie. Een aantal weken zijn ze de studio’s ingedoken in om te werken aan hun eigen onderzoek en het creatieve proces dat daarbij hoort. Door grenzen op te zoeken, concepten verder ontwikkelen, lichamen uit te dagen en vormen te laten samensmelten is er nieuw energiek en ongepolijst werk ontstaan.

Elk jaar worden de nieuwe makers van One Night’s Dance nauw begeleid door coaching vanuit Dansateliers en Lloydscompany. Dit jaar ligt de dramaturgische begeleiding in handen van Rodia Vomvolou. 

Van 5 t/m 8 december en 12 t/m 15 december presenteren zij hun werk aan het publiek.
Haal hier je tickets. 

©Michelle Urbiztondo

One Night’s Dance is hét jaarlijks talentontwikkelingstraject voor beginnende dansmakers, geproduceerd door Dansateliers in samenwerking met Lloydscompany.

One Night’s Dance is mede mogelijk gemaakt door Gemeente Rotterdam. 


Figures – Zeddrich Starke
Figures is a theatrical exploration of relationships and their impact on how we relate to the world. The performance begins with a personal journey, investigating the different forms relationships take, shaped by one individual’s experiences. It delves into the complexities of relationships formed, broken, and ongoing, uncovering the factors that determine their depth and nature. Through this journey, Figures reveal how foundational relationships—often formed long before we truly understand ourselves—shape the way we interact with others. By examining this relationship, the piece creates a rich emotional landscape, revealing the internal worlds it has shaped. Figures is an introspective and exploration of how our earliest connections define and transform us.

Beholder’s Eye – Karlijn Hu Chuan Roest
In Beholder’s Eye, Karlijn Hu Chuan Roest explores the coexistence of contrasting experiences and invites the audience into a world of constant shifts. Shifting perspectives and interpretations. How do you cope with the feeling that your internal truth doesn’t align with the external perceptions? How do you find a sense of belonging if you have the feeling you don’t belong anywhere? What happens when you feel stuck by choices other’s made for you in which you didn’t have a say? You are welcome to look, search, experience and transform.


Ctrl+Z – Miila Kaarina
Ctrl+Z is a negotiation with shame, a continuous push and pull between the desire to control and the body fighting its own release. On a stage scattered with red buckets – vessels of fear, refuge, and chaos – shame takes physical form. Each bucket holds fragments of struggle and safety, mapping a carefully curated yet fragile path in the search for order. The dance unfolds as an exploration of control and release, where vulnerability finds its rhythm within the cracks. The boundaries blur as the struggle to release becomes the struggle to be real. What do we hold? What holds us? And when we finally let go, what remains?

Sorry for the Inconvenience – Thea Atladóttir
Sorry for the Inconvenience explores the relationship between the audience‘s expectations and the dancer‘s own wishes and abilities, examining where these align and where they diverge. In this personal piece, Thea reflects on the external pressures of the often harsh environment of dance, while confronting her own internalized biases. The boundaries between what is expected and what she truly feels have become blurred, making it difficult to understand the root of her insecurities.

Through a raw and vulnerable performance, Thea invites the audience to witness the tension between authenticity and perfectionism. The piece is both a critique and a confession, balancing moments of resistance with poignant self-reflection.

One Night's Dance | 2024 meemaken?

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