One Night’s Dance special

The time has come for One Night’s Dance 2018! As of thursday December 6th, you are invited for a special edition of our annual creation-project One Night’s Dance. During the program we present three brand new performances in combination with a “golden oldie” from previous editions.

This year’s choreographers that take on the challenge to develop a new piece within a limited timeframe are Ellis van Veldhuizen, Sigrid Stigsdatter Mathiassen and Maria Sartzetaki. For the last few weeks they have been working with their dancers and coach Merel Heering. The result of their hard work is presented from December 6-9 and 13-16 in our presentation-studio.


On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous – Maria Sartzetaki
Together with dancers Jordy Jansen and Shaquille George Maria Sartzetaki explores the double edged substance of one physical body. Within the body, masculine and feminine energies sometimes coexist in equilibrium and sometimes challenge each other. Maria searches for the middle: not a compromise, but the power of two forces.

HRT – Ellis van Veldhuizen
HRT by Ellis van Veldhuizen is based on human’s natural beat. HRT stands for that part of the body that is strongly connected to the feeling of being alive. By using the rhythm and movement of the heart as a starting point Ellis plays with the interaction between  the body, its sensations and expression.

Solid dance – Sigrid Stigsdatter Mathiassen & Elisa Zuppini*
Solid Dance is an energetic encounter between the makers. Departing from the idea of estranging a body part in order to be able to connect this part to the others body and ultimately become one, Sigrid and Elisa have been investigating how they could be a support system to each other as an act of resistance and rebellion of todays individuality and find care in places we don’t usually look for it.

!! Note!! Instead of Solid Dance by Sigrid Stigsdatter Mathiassen & Elisa Zuppini, we present the duet As much as it is worth by Kim & Marta on December 7th and a preview of The Fool by Connor Schumacher on December 8th. !!

One Night’s Dance specials

In the framework of Dansateliers’ 25th anniversary we treat the audience with two “golden oldies” from previous edition of One Night’Dance. The duet No man is an island that was created byErik Kaiel during One Night’s Dance in 2006, has toured the globe extensively and is one of the most performed pieces of One Night’s Dance. The personal solo Boy oh Boy I (2013) by Connor Schumacher has also been invited on many stages and festivals and appeared to be a decisive work for his carreer.  No man is an island (2006) by Erik Kaiel is on show from 6 – 9 December and Boy oh boy I (2013) by Connor Schumacher is presented from 13 – 16 December.

Next to dance, One Night’s Dance 2018 exists out of poetic reflections by Anne van Winkelhof, Marjolein Roozen and Lotte Vermeulen and an exhibition by visual artist Jasmijn Krol. Are you curious and in need for an energetic and exiting portion of dance? Get your tickets to One Night’s Dance 2018 now.

6 – 8 December, 20.30
9 December 17.00
13 – 15 December, 20.30
16 December, 17.00
