Panflutes & Paperwork – Ingrid Berger Myhre & Lasse Passage

Thu 23 Jan |

Panflutes and Paperwork is a collaboration between choreographer Ingrid Berger Myhre and composer Lasse Passage. In the duet they take existing expectations around ”creating music for dance” or ”dancing to music” as a starting point. The duet playfully problematizes the conventional relationship between dance and music by challenging the standardised idea of they each have to live up to and what they together can produce. In their quest for assimilation without compromise, the work makes use of scores as a tool to define and prioritise collective structure above individual skills.

When the form is in place, everything within it can be pure feeling” – A.Schöenberg

The title alludes to the contrast between the dry and the “wet”: Panflutes, on the one hand suggests the playful, sensational and passionate. Paperwork on the other refers to notation, the formal and bureaucratic. Myhre and Passage both work with a lighthearted approach to composition and share affinities in regards to subtle humour. Panflutes and Paperwork is in many ways their formalistic approach to expressivity. The performance is part of the programme of Moving Futures Festival.

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