In Other Words

Sun 24 Apr | 20:00

With wits, charm and sophistication Ingrid Berger Myhre’s relativizing take on “dance” as we know it, comes together in unpretentious and humorous performances. In her new performance In Other Words, she continues her cheeky play with the capacities and shortcomings of language – using it as a scaffold for dance as poetic expression.

Is dance a language? And if so, how does it speak? This piece explores the compatibility between dance and language, using rhetoric devices as compositional tools. With the stage as page, the choreographic writing unfolds a physical discourse with its own syntax, grammar and vocabulary. But what conditions these dance utterances? And what does it mean to read dance? In other words, if we are not seeking meaning, how do we sense the making of sense when watching this dance?

Image: Tale Hendness
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