Funny Soft Happy & The Opposite

Wed 13 Oct t/m Wed 14 Jul

The ultimate fantasy turns into a reality in Funny Soft Happy & The Opposite: life as a jazzmusicaldance experience. If life is the real thing, then this is the final rehearsal. As life rages on Funny Soft Happy & The Opposite offers a way out. Six dancers show a high-intensity training for the brain and the body, helping you build stamina for life.

We need that stamina in a world that seems to turn faster every day and in which human values like care, compassion and attention for each other are under pressure. How do we as individuals relate to each other in such a world? Or to a group? Funny Soft Happy & The Opposite creates together with you a new space in which those questions can be researched; full of rainbows, smoking mirrors and the dazzling expressions of the body.

Thanks to Bob Fosse-musicals, neuroscience and work-out videos from the eighties, these six diverse bodies show you what life could be like when we acknowledge what Funny Soft Happy & The Opposite is about: this life we all are living. Come with us to the very end: an invitation for you to let your hair down, grab a drink, have a thought and do a dance afterwards.

If human life is a performance.
Then we need a human performance practice
To build stamina for life.

– Connor Schumacher

Image: Noortje Stortelder

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