Bas van der Kruk

Dansateliers selected choreographer Bas van der Kruk for the twelfth edition of the talent development project DANSLOKAAL 12. In 2024, he will develop new work together with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst.

In primary school, Bas played Madonna, wearing a buttoned-up white t-shirt and a borrowed blonde wig. So Bas attended the Havo for Music and Dance at Codarts in Rotterdam, graduated as a performing dancer from Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in London in 2014 and obtained a master’s degree in Applied Ethics (2016) from Utrecht University and in Choreography (2023) from Fontys Academy of the Arts/Codarts. Now Bas teaches Dance and Philosophy at Fontys and is active as a maker and performer.

Bas uses movement to bring people together and make visual images come alive. To give meaning to the moment we share with everyone present. To experience and question something together. To remain curious. This is where philosophy and dance come together for Bas. Some topics, like claiming space, social engineering, vanity, visibility, understanding and misunderstanding remain a source of inspiration. How do we make sure we stay open to that which is different? To change? For each other? And preferably with a bit of glitter, fun and self-mockery.

Among other things, Bas created the interactive performances Wat Nu?! and _i_C_O_N_i_C. In What Now? Bas takes the audience into a joint creative process, in which freedom, fuchsia and talking to each other prevail. _i_C_O_N_i_C is the end result of an investigation into the role of the performing facilitator who engages with the audience and the theme of vanity.
For World AIDS Day, Bas made the video work If you tell. The video gives a voice to young people living with HIV.

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