ENGEL (short version) – Marta & Kim

Fri 23 Nov | 20:00

As part of the 20th edition of DansClick Kim-Jomi Fischer and Marta Alstadsæter present a short version of their piece Engel. With DansClick Korzo and the BNG Cultuurfonds present the winners of the BNG Cultuurprijs 2018. Next to Engel by Marta & Kim, Antonin Comestaz presents Surface Image and Fernando Troya presents Essential Rights.

Engel – Kim-Jomi Fischer & Marta Alstadsaeter
Engel by Kim-Jomi Fischer and Marta Alstadsæter is a performance about inner struggle, decision-making and the metaphysical. Two performers, one a circus acrobat and one a dancer, melt together in a physical dialogue through a constant exchange of weight, momentum and direction. Engel is inspired by the poetry of “Stof dat als een meisje” in which poet/writer Toon Tellegen describes a man who is haunted by an angel. The two performers ask themselves: Where are the angels of our time? Who is guiding us through the chaos of nowadays existence?

“Is it circus or is it dance? With their soft, organic and sculptural play of strength, balance and proportion the duo poses this question. […] Together they expose new layers of meaning by the use of the motoric skills of the other.” Jury BNG prize 2018

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