Three performers embark on a meticulous translation process from dance to language – and back again. Efficiency however, is not necessarily what is strived for. Misunderstandings become potentials for philosophical dwelling and digressions turn into poetic pockets of loveliness.
How do we understand dance? That is the central question in the work of choreographer Ingrid Berger Myhre. Over the past years, she has continued to develop her curiosity for the shortcomings and capacities of the language of dance. Her sharp eye for composition and casual play with expectation comes together in unpretentious performances.
Ingrid Berger Myhre is celebrated for her relativizing take on “dance”, as we know it. With wit, charm and sophistication she dissects everyday conventions and reassembles them in refreshing ways. In Stating The Obvious she continues her exploration of choreographic writing and its inherent grammar and vocabulary.