In a time in which notions of dance, of quality, of truth and of knowledge are finally becoming as diverse as reality has always been, ‘learning to learn’ is a crucial soft skill. In this podcast 6 dance professionals who embody a variety of roles and perspectives reflect on their learning moments in encountering difference and diversity in the dance field. What kind of social skills do they feel need to be practiced to work with difference as a given and a strength?
Listen, think and move along with contributors Adesola Akinleye, Mohamed Yusuf Boss, Jaukje van Wonderen, Melih Gençboyacı, Jeppe Hemdorff Nissen and Connor Schumacher in the four chapters of this podcast.
1. Six voices – an introduction of the contributors (5.06 min)
What is your name and how would you describe your role in the dance field?
2. Learning moments (39:15 min)
What kind of learning moment around encountering difference and diversity would you like to share? have we experienced?
3. Social skills (19:32 min)
What kind of social skills do we need to practice and develop to acknowledge and work with encounter difference and diversity as a strength?
4. Out-takes by keynote speaker Adesola Akinleye (9:32)
Getting to the heart of things. In this part, Adesola refers to several YouTube-links. Find the reference to Maya Angelou and Dave Chappelle here. Find the references to Fred Rogers here (0.38 onwards) and here (0.53 onwards).
Dance dramaturge Merel Heering is the curator and host of the (online) conversations. In this podcast, her collaborator and multimedia artist tyroneisaacstuart gives his take on these 6 conversations. He uses his power as a musician and sound designer to cut up, reorganize and respond to the conversations from his point of view. Together Tyrone and Merel research similarities between sound engineering and dance dramaturgy. Their ongoing dialogue focuses on developing formats for conversation that explore the relation between moving and listening.
The six contributors to this podcast were supposed to meet in an EDN-atelier that was supposed to take place in March 2020, but had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus. As they could not engage in a live dialogue with each other any more, Merel and Tyrone developed an alternative approach to the podcast format, creating a space in which their voices and thoughts could still interact, as part of Tyrone’s musical composition.
Read more about the contributors of this podcast here.