360° Communicating Dance

Communicating Dance is a European project with a focus on communication in and about dance. Communicating Dance is initiated by the following partners : K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie (DE),  Comune di Bassano del Grappa (IT), Le Pacifique CDC (FR), Dance Ireland (IE), Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples (HR) and Dansateliers (NL).

The partners started their first project in 2014-2015. During the project young choreographers and writers/journalists in the field of contemporary dance were offered support as future leaders in the professional dance sector. Leaders in dance need specific competences and particular awareness related to the dynamic European creative industry. CD focused on recognizing and acknowledging these multi-layered aspects required for cultural leaders with responsibility for teams, funding, communication, distribution et al. On behalf of Dansateliers, choreographer Loïc Perela and writer Merel Heering took part in the trajectory.

The second project took place in 2016-2017. 360° – Building Strategies for Communication in Contemporary Dance (BSCD), aimed to bridge a gap identified transnationally in the ability of dance artists and makers at all stages of their careers to communicate their work effectively beyond the medium of movement to a wide range of stakeholders.  In order to address this, the partner organisations will share best practices on the topic of communication with international experts through a series of transnational meetings. In december 2017 the online platform communicatingdance.eu, was launched in which the partners offer information in three different sections; THINK, USE and PLAY. The platform can be used by professionals in the field of dance, such as makers, dancers, communication people or organisations, to develope perspectives on communication and possible strategies.

360° Communicating Dance is included in a list of good practice examples by the European Commision, Erasmus+.

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