We have amazing news! Our makers Connor Schumacher and Marta & Kim are nominated for the Prijs van de Nederlandse Dansdagen Maastricht 2019! Connor and Kim-Jomi Fischer & Marta Alstadsæterboth have a chance to win the prize, which gives the opportunity to make a new production which will premiere at de Nederlandse Dansdagen 2020.
Kristin de Groot, artistic director Dansateliers: ‘We are very happy for Connor and Kim & Marta. For Connor because again, after being nominated for the prize in 2017, this is a recognition of his talent. He has developed in a remarkable way, by developing work in museums and galleries and making use of public movement sessions with non-professionals. This has resulted in unique work.’
‘For Marta & Kim, the nomination is an enormous encouragement to further develop their work together. With Engel they delivered a pearl and it is clear that the field is curious about their next steps. We are happy to help them with that.’
Together with Connor Schumacher and Marta & Kim, also choreographer Wubkje Kuindersma is nominated for the Prijs van de Nederlandse Dansdagen Maastricht 2019. The winner will be chosen by a committee led by director of de Nederlandse Dansdagen Ronald Wintjens. The committee members are Helmy Koolen (Gemeente Maastricht), Peggy van Sebillen (director Zuiderlicht), Valentijn Byvanck (director Marres), Mirjam van der Linden (owner To|taal) en Lisa Reinheimer (journalist en program maker, Dans & Performance).
In September all nominees will present their plans for new work to the committee. After a dialogue with the makers about their artistic plans and cultural entrepreneurship, they will choose a winner. The winner will be announced during the next edition of the Nederlandse Dansdagen, during the Gala on October 4.