Where and how do we find inspiration, do our job and keep on dancing and moving forward during the coronacrisis? Various dance artists and employees will give their take on that in the coming weeks. This week: dance dramaturg Merel Heering.
What do you like about Dansateliers?
‘As an independent dance dramaturg I recognize myself in the mission of Dansateliers. We have a lot of shared values and ambitions. It’s a loyal, warm organization to work with, where you are always able and allowed to keep on learning.’
What is your job at Dansateliers?
‘As a dramaturge, I am involved in the development of the work of several makers of Dansateliers. Currently I am working with Joseph Simon, Marta & Kim and Ingrid Berger Myhre. I also accompany the talent development project One Night’s Dance. In close collaboration with director Kristin de Groot I shape several activities initiated by Dansateliers, such as working sessions for professionals about communication and dance, dance dramaturgy and leadership. In this way, Kristin and I have a continuous conversation about the house. Finally, I sometimes lead after talks with the audience about performances presented by Dansateliers.’
What is keeping you busy during these coronatimes?
‘With what it means to slow down. This time works as a filter for me: what matters, what can I let go of? How do I want to spend my time, now that I am no longer lived by my agenda? It is a period in which I feel thrown back to myself in a certain way. It gives me the opportunity to reflect and redefine my own agenda, needs and ambitions. This is sometimes very nice, but sometimes tensive and uncertain. I regularly experience corona as one big mood swing.’
Would you like to share a quarantine-art tip?
‘Art can by some people be experienced as something that is not about them, something far from their lives, or something for which you have to be an expert. Especially during these times, I experience that art is everywhere and it is very close. So my tip is to pay attention to what kinds of art you see during a walk through the neighborhood, or in your own home, and what this offers to you.’