hArt for Ukraine

Dansateliers supports the national manifestation hArt for Ukraine. With this manifestation, on March 4, 5 and 6, the whole cultural sector wishes to express its support and concern for the people of Ukraine.

We are highly concerned about the current situation in Ukraine and neighboring regions and the impact on the population in the period to come. We want to express our solidarity and our awareness that the people of Ukraine (and at the border of Ukraine) are in a state of humanitarian emergency. We also express our solidarity and support with those in Russia who are standing against the war and the actions of Vladimir Putin. Dansateliers will donate half of the revenue of this past weekend.

We believe in humanitarian support and help for all people in an emergency situation.

More information and an overview of the various activities this weekend you can find here

You can support by donating directly to Giro 555 by following the QR code below.

Due to a corona outbreak, we are unable to organise events this weekend.