Subsidy-request granted for choreographer Connor Schumacher
Great news! We are proud to announce that our application on behalf of Connor Schumacher for a “Nieuwe Makersregeling”, is granted by the Performing Arts Fund. The regulation is intended for emerging theatre- and dance-makers who develop their work in a longer-term relationship with a production-house, theatre or festival.
In the past two years (2016-2017/2017-2018) Connor was already able to develop his work thanks to the subsidy. The coming 15 months (2018-2019), the funding gives him the opportunity to further develop his work under the umbrella of Dansateliers. He will work in close collaboration with Maaike Schuurmans (dramaturgy) and various partners such as Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Garage Rotterdam, Grand Theatre in Groningen, Codarts dansacademie Rotterdam and others.
Want to know about Connor and his work? Check it out here.
Click here for more information on De Nieuwe Makersregeling / Fonds Podiumkunsten.