De HBS on the ‘s-Gravendijkwal opens its doors again!
Last year, the doors of our building opened for the first time for the HBS FEST and this year we are doing it all over again with another varied and diverse programme on the ‘s Gravendijkwal. Several HBS residents will present their most recent (collaborative) projects. In the evening, we will give several tours of the building with different routes and performances by various makers of music, dance and talks.
From Dansateliers, we will present the new work of Ashley & Domenik:
I have lived everywhere but here
een nomadic intervention
Where can you find yourself at home?
Can we build a home together wherever we go?
Who determines what this home will be?
A piece of dance floor is peeled off the stage, and carried out of the theater into an unstable world. Wherever it unrolls, the floor and its inhabitants begin to build themselves a new home. Outside, the floor evolves into a shapeshifting body. Temporary sculptures form and fade, becoming shelters, cavities of intimacy – a living landscape. Ashley and Domenik feel at-home, and are out-of-place at the same time. In this performance, they question what home means to them in a world that is always shifting. How can they find belonging in impermanence?
Join us as we explore this monumental school building and be surprised all over again:
Friday 18 November & Saturday 19 November at 18:30 and at 20:30 and Sunday 20 November at 11:00 and 14:30
More information about the HBS FEST can be found here.
Tickets are available here.