One Night’s Dance 2022 – Meet The Maker
Simon Granit Ossoinak is a performing artist from Stockholm, Sweden with his primary background in contemporary circus, through the main discipline dance acrobatics, where he mixes influences and techniques from circus acrobatics, contemporary dance, tricking, handstands, and breakdance. As a performer he likes to work multi- and interdisciplinary. Simon started performing at a young age as a musician and went on to perform and practice circus, dance, theatre, parkour and various other movement disciplines.
He graduated from Cirkus Cirkörs three year preparatory program in 2016 and from Codarts Circus Arts four year Bachelor program in July 2022.
‘’I always find it fascinating to work across multiple disciplines, so I am really looking forward to seeing what comes out when I combine my own background from circus with the input I will get from everyone involved in One Nights Dance! I am really loving finding my own personal expression that is not defined by what I do, but rather by who I am and how I like to express myself, and I think OND will further help me on that journey.”
His One Night’s Dance performance:
Will to power
“Do you want a name for this world? A solution for all its riddles? –This world is the will to power – and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power – and nothing besides!” – Nietzsche
Based on one of Nietzsche’s primary ideas, Will to power is a solo that explores power, the various expressions of it and the desire and insecurity that rules behind it.
Through a combination of dance, acrobatics and spoken text Simon twists and turns our perspectives on this basic biological drive and its relation to the society we live in. The journey you will see, while personal, is ultimately one we will all encounter at some point in our lives.
Power and the will to power is, for good and bad, undeniable.
From 8 to 11 december and from 15 to 18 december, he will present this work to the public in our theater studio.