Ibon Salvador Bikandi

Ibon Salvador (Bilbao, 1980) is a choreographer, performer, collaborative artist and co-founder together with choreographer Luciana Chieregati of Coletivo Qualquer (2008). He has presented his works in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Portugal and Spain. He studied the Master in Scenic Practice and Visual Culture at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid, with the project Lecturas Irreparables. He has also trained with Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson, Idoia Zabaleta, João Fiadeiro, Vera Mantero, Katie Duck, Claudia Dias, Olga Mesa and Bojana Kunts.

In his recent artistic work he investigates with specific choreographic tools and collective learning devices developed in contexts of creation and collaboration. He is interested in problematizing the body that dances and the scenic apparatus in which it is usually (re)presented, this leads him to activate a dialogue with the cinematographic, articulating what he currently calls post-cinema or the body that comes out of the screen to return to the present (of the scene).

Between 2017 and 2018 he creates and presents the choreographic pieces PLAYADENTRO and Gestos de Inquietud #3. Presented in different contexts in Spain and Brazil. He is currently developing the cinema-choreographic project It was a large room together with Luciana Chieregati & Camila Téllez (Brazil-Chile) in Bilbao, with whom he is also preparing the second publication of texts on Choreographic Practices and Thought called DARDARISMOA.

Currently Ibon lives in Bilbao, Spain. In 2018-2019 he takes place, next to Joseph Simon in the exchange program for choreographers between Dansateliers in Rotterdam and Azkuna Zentroa in Bilbao.
