Evangelos Biskas

Evangelos Biskas (Greece, 1994) studied dance and choreography at Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg. His own work he performed at a.o. Theatrefestival Boulevard, Festivalito Mon Amour in Lyon and at the Opening Oktober Dansmaand in Theaters Tilburg. He won the “Young Dance Makers 2016” award with his graduation piece “Eternal Chilling”. In that same year Dansateliers selected him for One Night’s Dance where he created the short work The Memory of the Present.  In the framework of the collective Moving Forward trajectory he developed In Search of a Title (2017) in collaboration with Elysia McMullen. In 2018 Evangelos is back in Dansateliers for a new research-residency with performer Hendrik van Maele.

Evangelos’s work is based on his inner need to express states of the mind and the body. He is fascinated by the contrasts created between human instinct, intuition and perception. His ultimate goal is to show richness and multiplicity in layers of meanings and symbols in order to invite the viewer into a trip, to stimulate one’s fantasy and to open up new doors for interpretations and associations.

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