Movement Class: ian yves ancheta

Mon 25 Nov | 20:00

Every Monday evening you can engage with choreography talent at Dansateliers. By the use of physical exercises and tasks, you will, together, explore your own body and movement. Open to everyone interested in movement, body-awareness, choreography and dance. No experience required.

In November, all movement class will be given by our One Night’s Dance-artists. This week that will be Ian Yves Ancheta. Currently he is in residence at Dansateliers, working a new piece he will present during the One Night’s Dance performances in November and December. In this class, Ian will introduce you to his ideas about movement.

‘In this movement class you will be invited to play and experiment with objects. We will be suggesting simple physical and theatrical tasks to help us find new images and associations relating to the objects. Approaching this session with a sense of humor and joy will set the tone of our exploration.’

Join the class! Open for everyone, no experience required.

Movement Class
De studio is open from 19:30, lesson starts at 20:00h
Tickets per lesson: € 5,= / 5-lesson-card : € 22,50=