Movement Class: Loïc Perela

Mon 2 Sep | 20:00

Every Monday evening you can engage with choreography talent at Dansateliers. By the use of physical exercises and tasks, you will, together, explore your own body and movement. Open to everyone interested in movement, body-awareness, choreography and dance. No experience required.

This week, the movement class is taught by choreographer Loïc Perela. Loïc is interested in generating compositions that appear to be natural unfolding of events, very sensorial and experiential in the way they are perceived. He envisions choreography as a medium to move bodies as much as a way of moving space, sound and time. These various elements are composed within situations that become islands of possible meanings and sensations. During the class he will introduce you to his way of working and creation methods.

Movement Class
The studio is open from 19:30, lesson starts at 20:00h
Tickets per lesson: € 5,= / 5-lesson-card : € 22,50=
Tickets can be bought at the door, payment by card.