Morning Classes: Interplay Training

Mon 25 Feb t/m Fri 1 Mar

Dansateliers offers daily open dance classes for professionals. During spring break there will be a contemporary dance class by Andrea Hackl, in which she will teach ‘Interplay Training’.

In this work and related training, we focus on the shift between:

….on the one side, the work with an inner motivator of movement found through a release and weight, using the natural trajectory of the body / anatomy – rather allowing movement to happen and to guide it then contracting / firing a muscle to produce it


…on the other side, reaching into / sending movement into & through space, expanding the inner “roller coaster” and trajectory into, connect it with and dissolve the border between our internal, physical and the outer space.


– to be able to move in an organic, released while highly agile and energetic way, not compromising the space and fluidity of the body.

– to be able to start movement from different approaches.

– to surf movement as an energetic stream, based on release/falling, catching and sending movement.

– to be/come the master of this tool, our body and the timing, dynamic and musicality in which we perform a movement.

Morning class (professional)
De studio is open from 10:00, lesson starts at 10:30h Tickets per lesson: € 8,50=  / 10-lesson-card : €75,=

Note! The morning-class program in Dansateliers stops as of June 21st 2019. More info here.

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Image: Sjoerd Derine